The first step: lifting, hitting, shaking, fi…
For the production of flour mills, the extraction rate of wheat has a direct impact on the economic benefits of flour mills. With low wheat flour production rates, the cost is high. On the contrary, the cost will decline. Therefore, raising the flour yield of wheat is one of the …
According to a report on March 13, 2018, the Ministry of Environmental Protection recently held a party group (enlargement) meeting of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The meeting emphasized that the Central Rural Economic Work Conference has made a series of major policy de…
The snow will welcome the spring and Rui Xue will have a good year. The Group's production and business operations in January 2018 were successfully completed, and the targets for the first time achieved historic breakthroughs in January and achieved a good start for the new year…
There are three recovery schemes for the bismuth ore beneficiation process: direct preferential flotation from crude tungsten concentrates; preferential flotation in self-sulfurized ore concentrates; flotation …